TekElement Racing

Driving, Data Analytics, and Technology combined to establish the “Tek Element” of driver development.

At TekElement Racing, the adaptation and use of innovative technology is fundamental for the continued growth and development of both the individual racers and the team as a whole.

Leveraging hosted resources through Global IP Networks Datacenters, driver data is compiled and collected from over two dozen unique metric sources. Simply put, to become a better driver, the best thing you can do is put more time in the seat and analyze performance.

Our objective is to ensure that the time spent in the seat practicing is utilized for learning and growth in the areas of least diminishing returns, creating the most efficient use of that valuable time each time the driver is in the seat. As a result of defining that need, each driver uniquely has their own “TekElement” of technology, growth, and learning.

Having fun and feeling accomplished while building relationships with like-minded individuals is the cornerstone of the TekElement Racing Team.